It happened. Corinne slept through the night. She stirred once around 11PM, but I held her and she went back to sleep without a bottle. Then she didn’t wake up again until 5:30AM. Holy Crap, she slept through the night. 🙂 This is good.
No Jury Duty.
Good morning, and happy Monday! 🙂 I called the court house on Friday about jury duty today, and was informed by the recording that my civic duty has been fulfilled. I’m really happy I don’t have to go through what I’ve heard is a long, arduous, and often mind numbing process. On the other hand…
Another long night
Corinne had another rough night last night. It must be painful having 25% of your teeth breaking through all at once, poor little thing. The weekend is scheduled to be fairly quiet. We hope to get some house stuff done and some exercise in. Raelene is walking with the neighborhood safety patrol tonight, and I…