Yes, I know, the federal government has defined today as “Columbus Day.” But given that Columbus did little more than discover something millions of people knew about already, I prefer to celebrate the holiday as “Indigenous People’s Day.” Our weekend was fairly quiet, so there isn’t much by way of an update today. The biggest…
Category: Wayne
Posts by Wayne
It’s Friday! Yea! Not much news, but then as usual that’s good news. Raelene and I are watching a small flock of parakeets next week, and it looks like they are set to arrive either Monday or Tuesday. Next Wednesday our foster bird Jasper, formerly of the San Francisco wild parrot flock, is going to…
All is Well
Raelene had a doctor’s appointment today, and all is well with the baby. She was even able to hear our little one’s heartbeat. Yea! We should find out the baby’s sex on the 17th (no, we’re not going to wait), and everything is on track for a March 1st delivery. I’m so excited! We’re slowly…