Apple unveiled the iPhone 3GS today, which looks pretty cool. Even cooler is the fact that the iPhone 3G is now only $99, which would be a great price if the iPhone plan was cheaper and if AT&T’s network could handle the traffic. I’m still looking forward to ditching AT&T and getting Google G2 Ion…
Category: Veganism
Because animals shouldn’t have to suffer.
Short Week Wednesday
Last night Raelene and I watched Milk, which was amazing. I can see why Sean Penn wont the Oscar for best actor, and it should have won best film as well. We can look back at that time, when minorities were fighting for the same rights as the majority, and wonder how people could be…
Another nice weekend
The family and I had another nice, if not incredibly hot, weekend. On Saturday we went to a vegan picnic at a park in San Francisco, where we saw some old friends, met some awesome new people, and had some terrific food. Yum! Raelene, Corinne, and I came in on BART, and Corinne seemed to…