This morning we were playing, and Corinne ran into her room and slammed the door. She started banging around, and then started screaming for Mommy and Daddy because she couldn’t get out. I thought it might be a trick, but she was pretty insistent about being trapped in her room. When I got to the…
It’s Friday! Yay! Corinne slept a little better last night, which was nice. She’s been teething for the past week and a half or so, meaning more tantrums during the day and little to no sleep for mom and dad at night. I think everyone will be happier when she starts feeling better. Tonight I’m…
Living Large
Okay, not really. But we did recently purchase a large, flat screen TV. It’s the first TV I’ve ever bought, which is impressive given my advanced age. I should also point out it’s not large compared to modern standards, it’s actually quite modest. But it’s considerably bigger than the TV we had, and I’m having…