Corinne was born at 1:48AM three years ago today. What a happy and joyous day that was. Happy birthday baby girl, your Mommy and Daddy love you very much.
Game Night Cookzine Fundraiser!
Okay, said my fundraiser wasn’t a good match for their website, so I’m going to use PayPal to raise money instead. I was hoping to use Kickstarter to make it easy to only collect funds if the $200 minimum was met, so I will have to change things up a bit. Here’s the deal….
I am participating a A Terrible Idea‘s experiment in gaming called “I Am Your Champion.” I Am Your Champion, which is using #iayc hashtag on Twitter, is a five round experiment designed to challenge the normal ideas about charitable fundraising. I will be blogging about it here over the next few days and chatting about…