The Presidio is a really beautiful place. The view from my office window isn’t great, although with little effort I can see much of the park and even the Golden Gate Bridge. I’m not sure if it’s a sign of the economic downturn or not, but there seems to be a much larger number of…
Time flies
Corinne is nine months old today! Here are some things she can do: wave “hello” clap her hands and say “yay!” stand up and walk along the furniture recognize her favorite animals point to things in her picture books when prompted melt your heart with one big, toothless smile Happy nine months, beautiful girl! You…
Baby dreams!
Wayne and I have noticed that Corinne is having dreams. She’ll wiggle her fingers and twitch a little, and we may notice a smile or a tiny laugh. It’s so sweet. And speaking of sleep, Corinne’s naps are still averaging at about thirty minutes. I’m finding that if I’m nearby and soothe her right when…