Today is Blog Action Day ’08, a day when bloggers all over the join to discuss a single issue. This year’s issue is Poverty, and so I thought I would mention a little something Raelene and I are doing to try and help. Recently Raelene and I, thanks to our friends Marsha and Oprah, joined…
Category: Wayne
Posts by Wayne
It’s Indigenous Peoples Day
Today we remember over 500 years of oppression, degradation and genocide of native Americans at the hands of European settlers. And while that does not seem like a good reason to have a mattress sale, well, there you go. On a lighter note, Raelene and I had a fun and productive weekend. On Saturday we…
Wow, that went by fast!
The weekend, I mean. It was over almost before it started. 🙂 Saturday was a lot of fun. I ran a All Flesh Must Be Eaten game at Endgame’s last minicon of the year, which was a blast. Thank you sweetie for letting me indulge my gamer self! Afterwards Raelene and I had a late…