At nineteen months, Corinne is quite amazing. She’s learning her colors, counting, and opposites. She’s been helping me sort laundry into light and dark piles and is getting really good at it. I have found that the best way to help her learn is to ask her a lot of question while doing everyday things….
Category: Kids
Telephones and molars
I called Raelene this morning to say hi, and Corinne asked to talk to me on the phone. That isn’t new, she loves holding anything vaguely phone shaped to her ear and listening. This morning, however, she started talking. And not just talking, but talking to Daddy. It was my first phone conversation with the…
Baby Update
This hopefully wont show up on the Veganmofo 2009 RSS feed. If it does, let me know and I will see what I can do to fix it. Corinne sleeping through the night was unfortunately a one time thing. If anything she’s been making up for missed wakefulness since then. 🙁 But at least it’s…