Yea, I know, babies are always cute. Or at least they’re supposed to be. But sometimes, especially around 5AM after a long and sleepless night, they’re just babies in need of attention. This morning, though, Raelene found Corinne sucking on her hand, proud as punch that she’d wiggled loose of her miracle blanket, and using…
We Apologize for the Lack of Updates
Sorry for the lack of updates, but as you might guess things have been wonderful crazy around the Coburn household lately. 🙂 Corinne is healthy and happy and growing quickly. She’s only 11 weeks, but already wearing clothing sized for a 6-month old. She still wakes up every 1-2 hours at night to feed, which…
Little lessons
Two months ago today, our little one came into this big world. She has grown so much and continues to delight and amaze us. I think that we are having to learn and grow just as much as she does, and thankfully our sweet Corinne is a wonderful little teacher. Here are a few things…