Today is the start of GenCon, the best four days in gaming. Whoo hoo! I can’t wait for the reports of cool new stuff to start coming back. One day I will make the pilgrimige to Indianapolis and GenCon. One day. Today is also the day Raelene’s grandmother, aunt, and cousin arrive from the east…
Olive you!
As Wayne already mentioned, we attended a baby blessing/naming ceremony for our little friend, Olive. It was a truly sweet event and it seems that everyone had a wonderful time. Olive was her usual charming self during both the ceremony and the celebration. She has a most beautiful smile that seems to capture everyone’s attention. …
Super Fast Update
Here’s a super fast update. First, Raelene, Corinne, and I went to baby Olive’s baby blessing/naming ceremony today, and had a lot of fun. Maybe Raelene will blog about that tomorrow. Second, I updated the “favicon.ico” on our site from the little bird to a picture of Corinne. This is the little image you see…