Probably because of the huge developmental strides in locomotion she’s made this week, Corinne has really regressed as far as sleep goes. She hasn’t slept much at all in the past few nights, a handful of hours a day, and she’s pretty cranky about it. I stayed home from work today because I’m quite ill…
Category: Kids
Toddling? Already?
If Corinne is near something she can hold onto while standing, she can walk. She’s already crossed the living room via the coffee table several times, and I have drop the mattress in her crib down to a much lower setting so that she’s safe. Huh? What? I can’t be serious, right? She just turned…
Happy Monday Morning!
Happy Monday! Raelene, Corinne, and I had a fun but short weekend. On Saturday Raelene and the baby hung out with Raelene’s mom’s group while I hung out for a bit at Endgame for their 7th Anniversary party. The party was a lot of fun. I didn’t win the raffle, but I had a top…