Thanks to Raelene and Corinne I had a wonderful Father’s day weekend. It started off at 5:30AM when Corinne insisted on waking me up to wish me a happy Father’s Day. It was many hours later that Raelene reminded her to say it, but I knew that’s what was in her heart. 🙂
After Raelene got up I took a mid-morning nap while Corinne and mommy made tofu scramble. In the early afternoon Corinne and I went to Endgame and I picked up some Free RPG day goodies. I was able to get everything I wanted, including a couple of the Free RPG dice from Chessex.
For dinner I grilled Field Roast vegan sausage, zucchini, squash, sweet onions, toast, and pineapple for desert. Yum! Corinne played in the back yard while I cooked, which made it even more fun. The dinner was good, and I’m looking forward to grilling as often as I can this summer. I just need to remember to take more pictures.
In the evening I played around with my vegan sausage blog, setting it up with a new theme and playing with the configuration. It’s still not how I want it, but it’s getting closer. I even wrote a very short post.