Here’s another non-veganmofo update, so I apologize if you came here looking for some awesome vegan recipes and mouth watering photos. For those you need to scroll down some.
Corinne continues to develop at an amazing rate. She’s counting, more or less, and she’s memorized the first handful of letters of the alphabet, although I doubt she knows what they mean. Colors seem to be challenging, but if you stop to think about it properties of an object like color or shape are sort of challenging concepts. We’ve yet to have a repeat of Corinne sleeping through the night, although my hope is once the current round of turbo teething comes to an end and things settle down in the new house she will start sleeping again.
Speaking of the new house, we are in the process of moving to a much nicer place in a much nicer neighborhood. Much of our stuff is already over, and the movers arrive on Friday to pick up the furniture. In a few days we will be sleeping at the new place, and that will be a good feeling. 🙂 Of course then comes the job of unpacking everything, but I think Raelene and I can handle that. I am looking forward to building this new place into not just a house, but a home.