The weekend was fun, and it was great seeing my parents, brothers, and sister again. I forget how much I miss seeing them. But now it’s back to normal for all of us. Corinne was having a really hard time of it last night, and spent most of it screaming. 🙁 Poor little thing. We have no idea what was wrong with her, only that she was really upset about it.
The week ahead is going to be fairly quiet. Passover starts Wednesday evening, although we’re planning on having our Seder on Sunday. Yes, I know Sunday is Easter. We can have both Easter morning with Corinne with a Seder in the evening, right? 🙂 Saturday is my once-a-month Godlike game, which I’m really looking forward to. Mike Montessa, the GM, is running an amazing game. I feel very lucky to be a part of it. And that’s about it.
Happy Monday!