Once again it’s another happy Monday! 🙂
We had a nice weekend, even if it was a bit cold and rainy. Raelene still isn’t feeling all that great, so we took it easy on Saturday. Sunday was my company’s holiday party, which was held after hours at the newly remodeled California Academy of Sciences. The Academy is an amazing place, with a planetarium, rain forest, aquariums, and a living roof. We saw the planetarium show, followed by an amazing dinner at the Moss Room. Corinne hung out in the Early Explorers’ Cove with a sitter, which she wasn’t too happy about. The sitter was excellent, though, and Corinne was very well cared for. Corinne also got to see a bunch of fish, which she enjoyed pointing to, and she was able to practice waving at all her new friends.
Developmentally, Corinne is getting very good at walking when she has something to hold onto. It won’t be long before she doesn’t need the help. She still doesn’t have any teeth, but you can really feel them under her gums. She’s saying more and more simple words, and on Saturday she looked at Andre’ and said “dog”. I couldn’t get her to do it again, though, so we’re not willing to call it her first word. Corinne is also starting to practice signing, although while we can see her doing things we’re not sure what they are. It’s really cool, and absolutely amazing, watching all of this come together in her head.