The Coburn Family Website

The Quiet Life

Yikes, I have to stop neglecting this blog! For a while there I sort of forgot it existed. That’s not good.

On the plus side, life has been fairly quiet lately. Corinne is doing well in playschool, learning her letter and numbers and how to play well with others. She’s getting better at falling asleep, staying asleep, and waiting until a quasi-reasonable time to get up. 🙂 We bought her this cool alarm clock with a built in nightlight that turns green when it’s okay to get up. She’s so proud when she manages to stay in her room until the light turns green.

Last weekend we went to a birthday party, which we seem to be doing a lot these days. Something like 60 people showed up, and it was a lot of fun. Luckily they were able to move it into a teen center, because bizarrely enough it rained last weekend. Yes, rain. In June. In the San Francisco bay area. I know that’s normal for other parts of the country, but unheard of here. It looks like we’re going to have another summer like last year, which means keeping the furnaces lit and running. Crazy.

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