The Coburn Family Website

Tofu Yu

One of the nice things about living in the San Francisco bay area is the variety of vegan options we have. The are several companies locally that make tofu and other soy products, and one of or favorite is Tofu Yu. There used to be a Tofu Yu cafe down the street, but that closed due to the economic downturn. Luckily we can still find their products at our local natural foods store and at various farmer’s markets.

Everything they make is excellent, but we really love their Jalapeno Smoked Tofu, Spicy Veggie Wraps, and Toveggie Balls. Their soy pasta is tasty as well as low carb, as are their Tofutillas. Their Plain Firm Tofu is awesome too. So if you’re at a farmer’s market and you see a Tofu Yu booth, stop by and get a few things to try. You wont be sorry.

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