The Coburn Family Website


The past weekend had it’s ups and downs, but overall I think it was a good one.

On Saturday I ran a Dresden Files RPG game at DresdaCon, and I had a lot of fun. I was incredibly nervous going in. I’d never run a DFRPG game before, and I wasn’t sure how well I would remember the rules during play. The game also requires a lot of improvisation to keep the story moving and interesting, which is also intimidating since I don’t have a lot of experience doing stuff like that. In the end I think everyone at the table stepped up to create a very enjoyable game. I’m ready to play again. 🙂

On Sunday we attended a friend’s wedding. It was in a beautiful, historic building in Berkeley. The ceremony was short but touching, and the reception was a lot of fun. I saw a bunch of old friends, and was able to catch up a little bit (although it’s never long enough). Corinne dealt with it fairly well. The wedding was during the tail end of her nap, so I wore her out in the morning to get her to nap early. She sat through the first half of the ceremony, and then we went and did some exploring. She had a grand time, and even did some dancing with Raelene and I before we headed home.

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