The Coburn Family Website

Happy Pi Day!

Today is March 14, 3/14, Pi Day! Happy Pi Day! 🙂

Last weekend was Corinne’s birthday party, and it was a lot of fun. We had a houseful of 2 year olds, all running around and playing and leaving fingerprints 2 1/2 feet up the walls. Raelene decorated the house with a rainbow theme, including rainbow food and a huge rainbow streamer starburst in the living room. She did an awesome job. Corinne loved it when the flashes were going off and everyone was staring and singing at her. I’m thinking maybe we should have named her Baby Gaga (after Lady Gaga). But more than the paparazzi, Corinne loved her cupcake.

On Wednesday, Corinne had her 2 year service at the Pediatrician’s office. She’s doing really well. She’s also mostly sleeping through the night more often than not these days, which is wonderful. It took us almost 2 years to get here, but it looks like maybe we’ve arrived.  🙂 That evening Raelene joined some friends for dinner at Gracias Madre in The City, and had a lot of fun.

On Thursday our friends Jennifer and Lisa stopped by our place for dinner and a visit. Lisa is visiting from New York, so this was a special treat. She brought Corinne a hand made Monster, which Corinne loves, and Jennifer brought Corinne a box of puzzles, which Corinne also loves. We were only able to hang out for a few hours before they took off, but we all had a lot of fun.

Yesterday I ran my monthly CthulhuTech game. I think that went really well too, at least everyone seemed to have fun. This the first time I’ve run a game like this, and it’s really challenging me. I am trying to weave an interesting mystery without railroading the players, which means a lot of improvisation on my part. I’m having a lot of fun with it, and I’m inspired to take some classes on improv to improve my ability to think on my feet.

Today I’m going to see if I can get our taxes done, and since the weather looks good we might take Corinne to see the steam trains in Tilden.

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