The Coburn Family Website

Enough about The Vegan Collection!

Okay, enough about The Vegan Collection! They’re jerks, and we need to move on. 🙂

The big news is Corinne is almost two  years old. Yea, I know, already? It’s true, she turns 2 on Monday. Needless to say we’re throwing a birthday bash for her this weekend. The guest list is fairly exclusive, and it’s going to be the in thing for the 2 and under set this weekend. Okay, not really. But because of the storms we’re having it at our house, and we were only able to invite Corinne’s friends and their immediate families.

We spent last weekend on house stuff, and our downstairs living room looks a lot nicer. We’re almost ready to buy that large screen TV. 🙂 The weekend before that we went to the birthday party for one of Corinne’s friends, and I played in my monthly CthulhuTech game.

Corinne is doing well. Is it normal for child under 2 to have memorized her books? She’s as good at reciting them as I am, and I’m reading the things. She still loves Caillou, but her new things are The Wonder Pets and Yo Gabba Gabba. The strange thing is we don’t even have cable, and she’s still hooked on these shows.

Last night I discovered an application that will allow me to write and upload blog posts directly from my phone. I can’t imagine writing anything but a short update using it, and I’m sure the rate of spelling and grammar errors is going to go way up. On the other hand it could make writing quick updates incredibly convenient.

Other than that things are fairly quiet. No news is good news, I guess. 🙂

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