The Coburn Family Website

Souper Saturday, Soup Bowl Sunday, and a friendly reminder that ice cream trucks don’t hibernate

I had the most amazing birthday weekend. Saturday was spend doing a few things I enjoy the most…spending time with my family, wandering around the local farmer’s market, and cooking. I made a huge pot of red lentil soup with lime and a vibrant green salad that had everything from almonds and blood oranges to cranberries and tomatoes. I’m blown away to have found tomatoes at the farmer’s market in February.

Our friends Scott and Maria came over with Maria’s dad, Tom and the adorable Sagan, who was dressed head to toe in purple and ready to party. This dinner was originally scheduled for a different day, but illness and busy lives and general life stuff serendipitously brought our dinner plans to February 6th and we made a celebration of it. It was truly special to sit around the table with the people I love who make me laugh. Add some sangria and lemon cupcakes (thanks, Wayne!) and the day was near perfect.

And the fun didn’t end at the stroke of midnight. On Sunday, Wayne used a quick errand as an excuse to spend the day out in the sunshine and far, far away from anything resembling housework. We walked around Pt. Richmond and took Corinne through her favorite tunnel. We sat on the cliffs and enjoyed the views of the bay while listening to the ice cream truck (aka “the music truck”) drive up the hill in search of people who forgot that it’s still winter.  Ice cream trucks in February?  You betcha!  After our walk, we went to Cactus Taquiera. This place has really fresh and amazing food and usually has a line out the door, but thanks to that thing they call Soup Bowl Sunday we had the place pretty much to ourselves.

All in all, it was a truly memorable weekend.  And the gift I’m giving myself is a month of exercise.  Every day, thirty minutes, no excuses. On Saturday I danced like nobody was watching (mainly because there really was no one watching) and Sunday we walked. Today I’m hoping to do another walk and maybe some hula hooping.  The only rule is to exercise, make it challenging without sacrificing the fun, and to do it every day without excuses. So far so good, and I’m looking forward to seeing how I feel after thirty days.

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