It’s Black Friday, and the sales have been going on since 3AM. Hopefully no one will die in pursuit of deals this year. 🙁 Personally I prefer Cyber Monday, with the perfect gift showing up in the mail later in the week. No crowds, no chaos, no piped in Christmas music, there is no better holiday shopping experience than online. 🙂
Raelene, Corinne, and I had a wonderful thanksgiving with Corinne’s aunt and uncle and her family. Corinne was a little shy at first, but she did very well given she was in a strange place among nine strangers. The meal was amazing, with all sorts of roasted and steamed veggies, mashed potatoes dripping with earth balance, vegan stuffing, and a special vegan surprise… Raelene’s brother made their Grandmere’s stuffed grape leaves. Raelene and I brought a gingerbread apple pie and pumpkin cheesecake with whipped cashew cream. There was a store bought pie there as well, but the biggest dents were made in our home made deserts. 🙂 It was good to see my brother-in-law and his new wife again, and given how close they are to us we’ll hopefully see them again soon.