The Coburn Family Website

Yikes! Has it really been over a week?

Yes, I guess it has been over a week since an update. Sorry about that! But a week ago Friday I took off a chunk of nail and the end of my finger with vegetable peeler, and so typing last week was painful at best. Add to that a generally busy week, and it’s no wonder there were no updates. My finger is doing much better, though, so hopefully I’ll be able to get back into my normal MWF posting schedule.

So, what new? There is all sorts of stuff to write about! I’ll start with the big one, which last night the police raided the house across the street because the Dad was involved in a double homicide at a local restaurant. This is the same loser who earlier this year vandalized Raelene’s truck, and who’ve we called 911 on so many times I’ve lost count. What appeared to be family, possibly with the mom, emptied the house of belongings this afternoon and as of now it stands vacant. Whew. Hopefully that is the last we will ever hear of them.

Corinne continues to amaze with her vocabulary. She has been using phrases for a while, but recently she started creating them herself. During a nap battle over the weekend she called Elmo, “Stupid Elmo.” It was cute. She also periodically goes through and shows you all the signs she knows, and she knows a lot of them. Last week Raelene took her to the beach and the Oakland Zoo, and she had a blast both places.

A week ago Saturday I played in my monthly Godlike role playing game. In the previous session half of the characters died, so it was a very different game than it’s been. Not bad, just different. We are about three sessions out from ending the game, at which point I am planning on running a short CthulhuTech game. CthulhuTech is pretty messed up, so it should be fun. 🙂

We are still walking as part of the neighborhood patrol, and while I’m not sure how much crime we are deterring I think the walks are having a positive effect on the community. People are interested in what we’re doing, and they’re coming out of their homes to talk to us about it. People who have lived near each other for years are meeting for the first time, and I believe the effort has prompted increased police activity in the neighborhood. These are all good things, especially if we want the drug dealers and murderers out of the neighborhood.

I think that’s it for now, but expect more on Wednesday. 🙂

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