Wow, what a fun weekend! 🙂 I spent most of Saturday cleaning house while Raelene took care of Corinne. I wasn’t able to get everything done I wanted to, but I did get quite a bit accomplished and so I’m happy. Saturday night we went to Sagan’s house because it was her mommy’s birthday, and met some cool people and had a lot of fun celebrating. At first Corinne was very shy and didn’t want to leave my arms, but eventually she was running around and checking out everything. It was so darn cute, and Raelene and I weren’t the only people to say so. 🙂
On Sunday we had dinner with our friends Jeremy and Alicia and another couple who has a little boy about the same age as Corinne. It was fun watching the toddlers interact, and Corinne was having a lot of fun climbing on the furniture in the basement and playing with Jeremy’s juggling balls. Dinner was an assortment of Peruvian vegan dishes, and was mindblowingly awesome. When you cook with flavor, it’s amazing how little meat and dairy bring to the table.
Both nights Corinne was out past her bedtime, and so she fell asleep as soon as we got into the car. I was hoping that all the running around would help her sleep, but she was still up every few hours wanting to nurse. 🙁 But that’s all part of the joy of having kids. 🙂