The Coburn Family Website

What an amazing weekend

Wow, what a weekend! 🙂

The big event was, of course, Corinne turning one. My parents even drove up for the event! Raelene and I spent Saturday preparing, and then Sunday throwing a small party for her. The party was a lot of fun, and Corinne was super cute in her party dress. One of my favorite moments was when the other baby’s from Raelene’s mom’s group converged on the torn paper as Raelene and I opened Corinne’s gifts. It was really cute. Corinne was completely overwhelmed by the whole thing, but did amazingly well despite missing both her morning and early afternoon naps. In fact, all the babies did well. It’s fun watching them grow up. I did verify that babies, cupcakes, and white carpet do not go well together. But then that’s no surprise. Sorry Marsha.

Happy birthday once again baby girl! Thank you for being so wonderful.

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