The Coburn Family Website

A week full of updates!

It might have been quiet on the blog, but it was far from that in the Coburn household. 🙂 Here’s the past week in a nutshell.

Last Saturday Raelene, Corinne, and I hung out with our good friends Steve and Marsha. We went to a small bistro in Walnut Creek, and had a great time. It is always a pleasure to see Steve and Marsha, and I hope we can do so more often in the upcoming year.

On Sunday I played in my monthly Godlike roleplaying game. It was awesome, as always, and Raelene was wonderful for taking care of Corinne for the afternoon so I could go. Thanks sweetie!

Corinne is still not sleeping all that well, and she might be getting an upper tooth. It’s too early to tell though, really. The lack of sleep is hard, really hard.

The possible big news I mentioned a while back didn’t happen, but that’s fine. It was a long shot anyway. 🙂

Raelene and I discovered Facebook, what a time waster!

On Thursday I was hit by a car while crossing in a crosswalk at a green light. That was exciting. I’m still a little sore but otherwise fine.

Today Corinne is going to spend some quality time with friends of ours so Raelene and I can spend some quality time together. Thank you Maria and Scott!

Coming up next Saturday is a Minicon at Endgame. I’ve signed up to run a game of Exalted, and it’s full up. Yikes! Now the pressure is on to deliver something fun so the players get their money’s worth.

And I think that’s about it for now. I hope you have a great weekend!

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