The Coburn Family Website

Cosmic ray showers in my brain

The Presidio is a really beautiful place. The view from my office window isn’t great, although with little effort I can see much of the park and even the Golden Gate Bridge.

I’m not sure if it’s a sign of the economic downturn or not, but there seems to be a much larger number of transients spending the night on out of service BART trains. I board the train at it’s first stop in the morning, so anyone already on the train got on in the yard or was on the train when it went into the yard the previous evening. For the past few weeks, more often than not the morning BART trains have pulled into the station with homeless people sleeping on the seats. There but for the grace of God go I.

Work is going well. There is some cool new stuff coming down the pipes.

Zoe and Andre both need more attention then they’ve been getting. Raelene and I both need more sleep than we’ve been getting. I’m still amazed that the human race exists, although the details of why I’m amazed seem to be fading into the mists at the back of my mind.

Chronic, incurable diseases suck, and I have two of them.

I’m genuinely sad that Gary Gygax, Eddie Guerrero, and Chris Benoit are all dead.

I’m just sitting here, staring.

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