The Coburn Family Website

Wow, that went by fast!

The weekend, I mean. It was over almost before it started. 🙂

Saturday was a lot of fun. I ran a All Flesh Must Be Eaten game at Endgame’s last minicon of the year, which was a blast. Thank you sweetie for letting me indulge my gamer self! Afterwards Raelene and I had a late lunch, early supper at Golden Lotus, a well known vegan restaurant in downtown Oakland. Unfortunately it was expensive and not very good, and the service was abysmal. That was a disappointment. People love the place, though, and so we’re willing to assume we were there on an off day and give the place another try. If you have any advice on what to order, let us know!

Sunday morning we went house hunting in San Leandro again. We saw a couple of definite “fix-er-up-ers”, one of which had wood grained shelf paper covering the kitchen cabinets to make them look new. Wow, that was amazing. Another house was occupied, and the occupants were hanging around watching us look at the place during the viewing, so we weren’t able to see much other than the back yard and the pictures of pornstars in the boy’s room. ~shudder~

Sunday afternoon we listed Raelene’s truck for sale, and within three hours it was sold at our asking price. Raelene and I are both sad that her truck is gone, it was a very good truck and it holds a lot of very good memories for both of us. But the guy who bought the truck is taking it back to the Santa Cruz mountains, which I at least find very comforting.

Other than that, it was a lot of chores and even more playing with the baby… who will be seven months old in a few days. Whoosh, those seven months have flown by as well.

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