The Coburn Family Website

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween! Happy Friday! Yea, it’s almost the weekend!

We don’t have a whole lot special planned for the holiday. If it’s not raining, Raelene was going to take Corinne to a big Halloween event on Solano in Berkeley. If course the “if it’s not raining” is the key here, as it’s raining now and is supposed to be raining all weekend.

Tonight we get to see if any kids show up asking for candy. My guess is we’re going to have a handful of teens not in costume stop by, and that’s it. We’ll see though.

We still need to carve our pumpkins! Things have been so crazy that we haven’t had a chance to yet, and I’m bummed about that. Pumpkin carving is fun. Maybe we’ll put some Thanksgiving-o-lanterns out on the front porch.

I’d like to take a moment to point out the US Postal Service oath “Neither snow, nor rain, nor heat nor gloom of night stays these Couriers from the swift completion of their appointed rounds” is complete crap. Our postal carrier skips our neighborhood at least once a week, sometimes twice, and we don’t even have weather to speak of.

Happy Halloween! Be sure to eat lots and lots of candy for me!

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