The Coburn Family Website


Raelene and I had a busy weekend. On Saturday we had a picnic with our friends Steve and Marsha. Originally it was going to be at the Berkeley Marina, but the kite festival there (and the crowds associated with it) made us relocate. We ended up at Cordonices Park, near the Berkeley Rose Garden, and had a wonderful time.

On Sunday I met my folks in Santa Nella, a truck stop on I-5, to pick up their old couch. Ali also gave me an incredible quilt for my birthday. She named it “Crane Paradise”, and it’s easily the most incredible, beautiful thing I own. Wow. All I had for her was some t-shirts and a plaque Raelene had made with the baby’s footprints on it. The new couch is in our living room, while the old couch is up on Freecycle. Hopefully someone will pick it up soon, otherwise we may have to pay to dump it at the landfill.

In scary news, my health took a major turn for the worse this morning. Hopefully it’s just temporary, I guess diabetes is like that sometimes, but we’re going to have to monitor things carefully over the next few days. In sad news, the new sleeping arrangment Raelene and her Mom’s group came up with isn’t working, so we’re going to have try something else starting tonight. If you have any suggestions, things you know will work, I’d love to hear them. Email me at wcoburn – at – gmail – dot – com . And in good news, the baby is doing really, really well. She’s healthy, happy, incredibly alert, and almost sitting up. Raelene’s heard some proto-giggles, and yesterday she even crawled a bit (although she’s still a way off from full fledged crawling). She’s an amazing little person.

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