The Coburn Family Website

Midweek Update

Not a whole lot new today. The project I’ve been working on at work is nearing completion. Soon I’ll be able to blog all about it, and how really cool it is. Later this morning Raelene is taking Corinne to Story Time at a local library, which should be fun. Tomorrow Raelene is going to get a pedicure with her mom’s group at a baby friendly salon, which should also be fun. Next Saturday is the Good Omens Con at Endgame, and I’ve signed up for the 6PM game with Rich Taylor. He’s one of the best GM’s I’ve gamed with, so I’m really looking forward to it. Tonight I was going to play D&D with some of the guys at work, but that sort of fell through due to general exhaustion. Aww well, maybe next month.

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