Raelene and I had a nice and fairly quiet weekend. Corinne is teething, and on Sunday we watched 3-month old Sagan for a few hours while Sagan’s parents went on a date, so things aren’t that quiet. Watching Sagan was fairly easy, as both babies spent most of their time sleeping. But those moments when both were crying has given me an more profound respect for parents of twins. 🙂
I wasn’t able to make the Good Omen Con on Saturday, Corinne was being too fussy and there was too much to do around the house. I’m bummed about that, but I did grill a bunch of vegetables and some locally made (and really yummy) tofu Saturday evening. Grilling is fun too.
I’m sure we did some other stuff to, but for the life of me I can’t remember right now. Such is life with a small child I guess. ~smiles~