The Coburn Family Website

Quiet Weekend

Raelene and I had a fairly quiet weekend. Friday night we found out that the hand-me-down crib we had lined up was missing some (actually all) of the hardware, and that we were going to have to buy one ourselves. That was a bit of a surprise, but an okay one, and we used it as an excuse to go shopping for baby things on Saturday. We tried to go to Lullaby Lane, but traffic made that impossible, so we went to Babies-R-Us instead. We returned to Babies-R-Us on Sunday, and bought a cradle swing, a very nice Italian made stroller, and a cool looking crib mobile. We would have purchased the infant car seat that went with the stroller had there been one in stock, but unfortunately we have to return to get that at a later date. 🙁 We’re also still looking for a good crib.

On Sunday Raelene and I met up with a number of people from the Post Punk Kitchen forums for a vegan brunch at Fellini in Berkeley. We got to hang out with some old acquaintances, as well as make new friends. It was a lot of fun, and the food was fantastic. I had a vegan version of Eggs Benedict, and it was incredible. It is impressive what chefs can do with a little determination and talent.

Sunday evening I hauled a bunch of stuff out of our storage unit. I just need to do one, maybe two more truckloads, and we will be able to get rid of it. Yea! I am looking forward to both not having that bill every month, and having the game books and cookware that were in storage more readily available. 🙂 We also made a bit more headway unpacking and organizing the house, and identified a bunch of stuff we can get rid of. So yea, it was quiet yet productive weekend overall.

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