I’m not sure what that subject line has to do with anything, but it’s good advice.
On Monday Andre had his stitches removed, went for a romp at the Pt. Isabelle dog park, and took a bath. What a day! He was a very happy doggie on Monday, and he’s doing great now.
Zoe and Kiwi survived the trip to the vet for wing and nail trims. Normally a trip to the vet takes a lot of the p&v out of Zoe, and she is a lot calmer and relaxed for the week after the visit. But Zoe learned something new, as Kiwi was her old assertive self shortly after we got home. Aww well, such is life with parrots. At least their needle-feet are no longer. ~smiles~
Just two more days before Raelene and I leave for our anniversary weekend. Yea!