The Coburn Family Website

It’s Spring…and Friday!

Yea! It’s sunny, warm, and Friday! And I can tell it’s spring because the wild parrots who hang out in the Presidio are getting vocal and starting to pair up. I’m tempted to put some feeders up around the building I work in, but I’m not sure how the Presidio Trust would feel about that.

Raelene and I have a fairly busy weekend planned. Saturday is going to be more spring cleaning, and hopefully more trips to the storage shed. I wasn’t feeling well last weekend, and so I didn’t get anywhere near as much done as I would have liked. In fact, one might say I got nothing done. ~sheepish grin~ But nothing is standing in our way this Saturday, so hopefully we’ll move ever closer to getting all my RPG stuff out of the apartment.

On Sunday Raelene and I are going to return to the “scene of the crime”. Quail Hollow, where we were married last June, is having an open house for people planning weddings there this spring and summer, and Raelene and I are going to drive down and answer questions about our experiences. I’m not sure how usefull we’re going to be, I know when we went to the open house last year everyone else in the room was planning a night time wedding (ours was in the very early afternoon). But it never hurts to help, so we’re going to brave beach traffic on Sunday to do just that. ~smiles~

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